Communication HCIAS doctoral researcher guest at HCLA

Visit in Chile
Alejandra Irigoyen, currently a doctoral researcher at the Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies is visiting Heidelberg Center for Latin America in the framework of the HCIAS project "Interacting Actors in Polycentric Climate Governance (PCG)". The main objective of the project is to analyze how transnational forums established in recent years address climate change and influence the discussion, selection and convergence of climate policies. For this project, a case study of the Forum Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (Pacto Global de Alcaldes por el Clima y la Energía) and its presence in Chile is being carried out. The main reason for her research stay at HCLA in Chile is to observe emerging forms of climate governance in the country and, above all, the actors involved in them. During her stay, several national authorities and representatives of organizations supporting the work of the Global Covenant are being interviewed in order to make a detailed qualitative analysis of the networks of the actors that take part in this forum, as well as the interaction of these actors, their preferences and their perceptions on climate policy issues.
For more information related to this topic, please visit the following links Pacto de Alcaldes HCIAS Projects