As Heidelberg University's Center in Research and Teaching in Latin America, the Heidelberg Center Latin America (HCLA) is part of various networks and research projects in, on and with Latin America.
In 2009, the HCLA was awarded the title “Centers of Excellence in Research and Teaching" within the program for development of Centers of Excellence by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for projects of recognized quality that strengthen the international orientation of German universities. The award distinguishes the HCLA as a center of excellence and contributes to boosting the development of innovative projects and to the consolidation of research networks in various fields with Latin American partners.
The HCLA coordinates the regional and joint implementation of research projects in study areas initiated by the Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies (HCIAS), established in 2019 as a central research institution with headquarters in Heidelberg.
The HCLA also encourages research activities by its own students. Through research-oriented teaching, the HCLA actively promotes the involvement of master's and doctoral students as well as early career scholars in research projects at Heidelberg University.
Forschungsprojekte und Publikationen
Country-Specific Participation Patterns in Transnational Governance Initiatives on Sustainability: Preliminary Insights and Research Agenda | Jale Tosun, Emiliano Levario Saad, Johannes Glückler, Alejandra Irigoyen Rios, Rosa Lehmann | Publication | Geoscience | 2023 | |
Adapted to Climate Change? Issue Portfolios of Environmental Nongovernmental Organizations in the Americas | Jale Tosun, Emiliano Levario Saad | Publication | Geoscience | 2023 | |
Los estudios experimentales del discurso / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Discourse Studies | Dr. Inés Recio, Prof. Dr. Óscar Loureda | Publication | Communication | 2023 | |
Payment for ecosystem services in Peru: Assessing the socio-ecological dimension of water services in the upper Santa River basin | Rosa María Dextre, María Luisa Eschenhagen, Mirtha Camacho Hernández, Sally Rangecroft, Caroline Clason, Laurence Couldrick f, Sergio Morera. | Publication | Geoscience | 2022 | |
Network governance at the margin of the state: Rural drinking water communities in Chile. Environmental Management. | Bawarshi Abarzúa, G. E., & Glückler, J. | Publication | Geosciences | 2022 | |
Assisted network governance: An inclusive innovation to mitigate extreme water scarcity. Global Environmental Change, 76: 102577 | Gutiérrez, D., & Glückler, J. | Publication | Geosciences | 2022 | |
Estabilidad y dinámica de los estilos de política Cuadernos del CEDEOP; Num. 11 (2022) | Dr. Jale Tosun, Ph.D | Publication | Politics | 2022 | |
Discursos públicos de la pandemia en Iberoamérica - Proyecto Chile: Discursos públicos mediáticos y juventud en Chile. Representación, bienestar y actitudes sociales | Dr. Lionel Brossi, Prof. Dr. Francisco Moreno-Fernández, et al. | Project | Communication Studies | 2022 | |
Discursos públicos de la pandemia en Iberoamérica - Proyecto Argentina: Los discursos públicos de la pandemia en América Latina. Percepción, comprensión y actitudes sociales: el caso de Argentina | Prof. Dr. Claudia Borzi, Prof. Dr. Francisco Moreno-Fernández, et al. | Project | Communication Studies | 2022 | |
RR Lyrae Stars in Stellar Streams with Gaia: The Escapers The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 915, Issue 1, id.49, 10 pp. | M. Abbas, E. K. Grebel, M. Simunovic | Publication | Astronomy | 2021 | |
Gallstones, Body Mass Index, C‐Reactive Protein, and Gallbladder Cancer: Mendelian Randomization Analysis of Chilean and European Genotype Data. Hepatology 73: 1783-1796. | C. Barahona Ponce, D. Scherer, R. Brinster, F. Boekstegers, K. Marcelain, et al. | Publication | Medical Informatics | 2021 | |
Governance of Water in Southern Chile: An Analysis of the Process of Indigenous Consultation as a Part of Environmental Impact Assessment. Society and Natural Resources 34: 745-764. | J. Höhl, S. Rodríguez, J. Siemon & A. Videla | Publication | Geosciences
| 2021 | |
Simulation of hypoxia PET-tracer uptake in tumours | Paredes-Cisneros, I. Karger, C. P., et al. | Publication | Medical Physics | 2020 | |
Co-Management of Small-Scale Fisheries in Chile From a Network Governance Perspective. Environments, 7(12): 104. | Albornoz, C., & Glückler, J. | Publication | Geosciences | 2020 | |
La emergencia sanitaria COVID-19 a la luz de la emergencia climática. Retos y oportunidades. Bogota: Fundación Heinrich Böll y otros, 2020, ISBN / DOI 978-958-52753-1-7 | Jiménez Guanipa, Henry; Anglés, Marisol (ed.) | Publication | International Law | 2020 | |
Pueblos indígenas, recursos y gobernanza. Un análisis de la consulta indígena como parte de la Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental del proyecto hidroeléctrico Añihuerraqui, Región de la Araucanía, Chile. Revista Investigaciones Geográficas 59: 28-40. | J. Höhl | Publication | Geosciences | 2020 | |
Crisis Climática, Transición Energética y Derechos Humanos.Bogota: Fundación Heinrich Böll y Heidelberg Center para América Latina, Tomo I | Jiménez Guanipa, Henry; Luna Leal, Marisol (ed.) | Publication | International Law | 2020 | |
Governing Resources in Contested Territories - Hydroelectricity, Mapuche Communities and the Role of the Indigenous Consultation in Southern Chile (FONDECYT de iniciación 11180970) | J. Höhl | Project | Geosciences | 2019-2023 | |
Incorporation of Dosimetric Gradients and Parotid Gland Migration Into Xerostomia Prediction. Front Oncol. 2019;9:697. Published 2019 Jul 31. doi:10.3389/fonc.2019.00697 | Astaburuaga R, Gabryś HS, Sánchez-Nieto B, et al. | Publication | Medical Physics | 2019 | |
„Development report for the open source dose calculation and optimization toolkit matRad.“ International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy (ICCR). Montréal, 2019. | Wahl, Niklas, et al. | Publication | Medical Physics | 2019 | |
CGCoMPRO – Chilean German Consortium for Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology | Project | Medical Physics | |||
EULAT ERADICATE GBC (European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme No. 825741) | Project | Medical Informatics | |||
„Impact of different biologically-adapted radiotherapy strategies on tumor control evaluated with a tumor response model.“ PLoS ONE, 2018: e0196310. | Gago-Arias, Araceli, Beatriz Sánchez-Nieto, Ignacio Espinoza, Christian P Karger, und Juan Pardo-Montero. | Publication | Medical Physics | 2018 | |
Energía, cambio climático y desarrollo sostenible Impacto sobre los derechos humanos, Fundación Heinrich Böll (Oficina Bogotá), Heidelberg Center para América Latina, Universidad Politécnica y Artística del Paraguay, Diciembre 2018 | Coordinadores: Henry Jiménez, Guanipa Eduardo Viedma y Coordinador editorial: Florian Huber | Publication | International Law | 2018 | |
Cambio Climático, Energía y Derechos Humanos: Desafíos y perspectivas. Editorial Universidad del Norte y Fundación Heinrich Böll, Bogotá D.C. | Henry Jiménez Guanipa Javier Tous Chimá Editores | Publication | International Law | 2017 | |
CLASH: Precise New Constraints on the Mass Profile of the Galaxy Cluster A2261. The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 757, Issue 1, article id. 22, 19 pp. | Coe, D., et al. | Publication | Astronomy | 2012 | |
A magnified young galaxy from about 500 million years after the Big Bang. Nature, Volume 489, Issue 7416, pp. 406-408 | Zheng, W., et al. | Publication | Astronomy | 2012 | |
CLASH: Mass Distribution in and around MACS J1206.2-0847 from a Full Cluster Lensing Analysis. The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 755, Issue 1, article id. 56, 26 pp. | Umetsu, K., et al. | Publication | Astronomy | 2012 |