German Language Courses (2022) German Law
Course “German Law” - An introduction to German law and specialized German language
Questions and registration, please contact:
Lecturer: Dr. Sven Korzilius
Course modality: online
Classes start on March, 13th 2023

Target audience
Lawyers with an intermediate or advanced level (minimum B1) in German who want to deepen their knowledge of German law, in the original language, with a native expert.
General contents and procedure
The course introduces legal vocabulary in German and works with German legislation, jurisprudence and doctrinal books. The thematic focus changes every semester, so that it is possible to continue studying for several semesters without repeating subjects.
The teacher provides materials in advance of the lessons to ensure that the students make the best possible use of them.
Following the typical method of German legal education, after learning something new, the students will always apply it in small cases, which are often simplifications of actually decided cases. This allows them to practice German interactively and to improve their communicative skills in the technical language of law.
For registrations and questions please contact:
Specific contents
Primera parte: Legal transactions and contracts in German Law
We will study general aspects of transactions (Rechtsgeschäft) and the contract (Vertrag) in German Law.
Part 2: Collateral security law (Kreditsicherungsrecht)
We study the reservation of title (Eigentumsvorbehalt) and the fiduciary transfer of property to secure a claim (Sicherungsübereignung), and other types of security, such as the surety bond (Bürgschaft).
Part 3: Companies in German Law (Gesellschaftsrecht)
In this section, we will learn about, for example, the partnership codified in the German Civil Code (BGB), partnerships, such as the simple general partnership (offene Handelsgesellschaft) and the Kommanditgesellschaft (Kommanditgesellschaft). We will also discuss capital companies (corporations), such as the limited liability company (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung, GmbH) or the public limited company (Aktiengesellschaft). We can also discuss non-corporate entities, such as the foundation (Stiftung) or the association (Verein)
Following the typical method of German legal education, after learning something new, the students will always apply it in small cases, which are often simplifications of really decided cases. This makes it possible to practice the German legal language interactively.
Basic bibliography:
- Engelhardt, Clemens: Gesellschaftsrecht, Springer 2018
- Meyer, Justus: Wirtschaftsrecht: Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht, 2018
- Rimmelspacher/Stürner: Kreditsicherungsrecht, Beck 2020
- Saenger, Ingo: Gesellschaftsrecht, 4a Ed., Munich: Vahlen 2018
- Wieling/Finkenauer: Sachenrecht, 6a Ed., 2020
Check also the experience of an alumnus