Executive Academic Director Dr. Inés Recio

Las Hortensias 2340

Providencia, Santiago


+56 222343466

Research group Communication and Cognition

Dr. Inés Recio, Executive Academic Director HCLA



Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics for the Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language, Universidad Nebrija, Madrid
Bachelor’s Degree in Translation and Interpretation German-English-Japanese, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid



Since 04/2020
Heidelberg Center Latin America (HCLA), Santiago de Chile
Academic Executive Director
Since 08/2022
Lecturer in Legal Translation ES > DE, M.A. Double Degree
“Specialized Translation and Translation Technologies”, Facultad de Letras, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Lecturer of the Doctoral Program in Linguistics, Institute of Literature and Linguistics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV)
Course: Experimental Methodology for Discourse Analysis with Eye-Tracking
Institute of Translation and Interpreting, University of Heidelberg
Personal académico / Docente
Institute for Romanic Philology, Universidad de Heidelberg
Academic Staff / Lecturer
Institute of Translation and Interpreting, University of Heidelberg
Associate Professor
Center for Higher Education - Language Center of the Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main
02/2010-08/2011 - Academic Staff / Lecturer
10/2008-01/2010 - Associate Professor
Since 10/2008
Instituto Cervantes, Frankfurt am Main
Collaborating lecturer / Trainer of lecturers
Kaiser Stähler Rekrutierungsberatung GmbH, Königstein im Taunus
Project Assistant / Translator
Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Germany, Frankfurt am Main
Assistant to the Secretary General / Translator / Foreign Commerce Promotion


  • Winter School "Future Studies – Navigating Uncertainty," Vice-Rectorate for Research and Development, University of Chile, and National Council for Science, Technology, Knowledge, and Innovation for Development, August 19-21, 2024.
  • Tools for Project Management Using Agile and Lean Methodologies, TELEDUC – Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, May 2024 (30 hours).
  • Introduction to International Studies, Institute of International Studies (IEI), University of Chile, December 2023 (24 hours).
  • Diploma in Negotiation - Mention in Advanced Strategic Negotiation and Leadership, Faculty of Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, May- August 2021 (100 hours), grade: 6.8/7.
  • Extension course “Scientific Diplomacy”, Institute of International Studies, Universidad de Chile, November-December 2021.




  • Loureda, Ó., Cruz, A., Recio, I. and Rudka, M. Comunicación, partículas discursivas y pragmática experimental. Madrid: Arco Libros.


  • Recio Fernández, I. The Impact of Procedural Meaning on Second Language Processing: A Study on Connectives, tesis doctoral, University of Heidelberg, 



  • Loureda, Ó., Recio, I., Nadal, L. and Cruz, A. (Eds.) (2019). Empirical Studies of the Construction of Discourse, Pragmatics and Beyond New Series, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.



  • Recio Fernández, I. & Laura Nadal. "Las representaciones de la pobreza: argumentos y conectores en clave experimental", in Loureda, Ó. and N. Pardo(coords.), “Discourse, media and poverty in Latin America”; Seville: Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, pp. 115-128


  • Recio Fernández, I., Ó. Loureda & A. Cruz. "Adjustment, mismatches and accommodation of procedural and conceptual meaning: Experimental evidence around connectives. Continuative and contrastive discourse relations across discourse domains: Cognitive and cross-linguistic approaches", On M. Klumm, A. Fetzer & E. Keizer (eds.), [Functions of Language 30:1], John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 110–135


  • Loureda, Ó., Recio, I. and Sanders, T.J.M. “Estudios experimentales del discurso”. In C. López Ferrero, I.E. Carranza and T. van Dijk (dirs.), The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Discourse Studies, Routledge: New York/Oxon.
  •  Loureda, Ó., Recio Fernández, I., Cruz, A., Rudka, M. “Principles of Discourse Marking. General and contrastive perspectives”. In L. Degand and M.J. Cuenca, Discourse Markers in Interaction: From Production to Comprehension, Trends in Linguistics, De Gruyter.


  • Loureda, Ó., Cruz, A., Recio, I. and Nadal, L. “La pragmática experimental”. In M.V. Escandell-Vidal, A. Ahern & J. Amenós (coords.), Pragmática. Madrid: Akal
  • Cabedo Nebot, A. and Recio Fernández, I. “El hablar desde la lingüística empírica”. In Ó. Loureda & A. Schrott (dirs.), Manual de lingüística del hablar, Series: Manuals of Romance Linguistics, Berlin: de Gruyter.
  • Loureda, Ó., Cruz, A., 


  • Loureda, Ó., Cruz, A., Recio, I. and Sánchez, J.F. “Los marcadores discursivos del español y la pragmática experimental: los conectores argumentativos y los reformuladores”. In R. González, I. Olza & Ó. Loureda (eds.), Lengua, cultura, discurso. Estudios ofrecidos al profesor Manuel Casado Velarde. Pamplona: EUNSA, 413-428.
  •  Loureda, Ó., Recio, I., Cruz, A., and Nadal, L. “Introduction”. In Ó. Loureda, I. Recio, L. Nadal & A. Cruz (eds.), Empirical Studies of the Construction of Discourse, Pragmatics and Beyond New Series, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1-13.
  • Nadal, L. and Recio, I. “A Processing Study on Implicit and Explicit Causality in Spanish”. In Ó. Loureda, I. Recio, L. Nadal & A. Cruz (eds.), Empirical Studies of the Construction of Discourse, Pragmatics and Beyond New Series, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 253-270.


  • Recio, I., Nadal, L. y Loureda, Ó. “On argumentative relations En Spanish: experimental evidence on the grammaticalization of cause-consequence discourse markers”. En S. Pons & Ó. Loureda (Eds.), Beyond Grammaticalization and Discourse Markers: New Issues En the Study of Language Change, Leiden: Brill, 384-409.


  • Nadal, L., Recio, I., Rudka, M. and Loureda, Ó. “Processing Additivity In Spanish: 'incluso' vs. 'además'; In De Cesare, A. and Andorno, C.M. (Eds.), Focus on Additivity, Pragmatics and Beyond Series, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 137-154.
    - Loureda, Ó., Nadal, L. and Recio, I. (2016). “Partículas discursivas y cognición: sin embargo y la conexión contraargumentativa”. In Sainz González, M.E., Solís García, I., del Barrio de la Rosa, F. and Arroyo Hernández, I., Geométrica explosión. Estudios de lengua y literatura En homenaje a René Lenarduzzi, Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica, 1, 175-186.



  • Recio Fernández, I., Loureda, Ó and Sanders, T. “Constructing Discourse: An Experimental Approach”, Revista Signos. Estudios de Lingüística, 54(107), 1004-1025.


  • Parodi, G., Julio, C. and Recio, I. “When words and graphs move the eyes: the processing of multimodal causal relations”, Journal of Eye Movement Research, 11(1):2, 1-18.
  • Loureda, Ó., Nadal, L. and Recio, I. “Die Konnektoren des Spanischen: eine experimentelle Annäherung”, in Deutsche Sprache, 46. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 82-96.


  • Nadal. L., Cruz, A., Recio, I. and Loureda, Ó. “El significado procedimental y las partículas discursivas del español: una aproximación experimental”, Revista Signos. Estudios de Lingüística, 49(1) 4-6, 52-77.
  • Loureda, Ó., Nadal, L. and Recio, I. “Partículas discursivas y cognición: por tanto y la conexión argumentativa”, Romanistisches Jahrbuch, Vol. 67, 1, de Gruyter Mouton, 240-254.


  • Loureda, Ó., Cruz, A., Recio, I. and Villalba, C. “Incluso En posición pre- y postfocal: un análisis experimental de los costes de procesamiento de escalas pragmáticas”, Revista de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística (RSEL) 44/2, 95-129.
  • Loureda, Ó., Cruz, A., Rudka, M., Nadal, L., Recio, I. and Borreguero, M. "Focus Particles In Information Processing: An Experimental Study on Pragmatic Scales with Spanish 'incluso'”. In De Cesare, A.M. & Andorno, C. (Eds.), Focus Particles in the Romance and Germanic Languages Corpus- based and Experimental Approaches, Linguistik online 71, 2/15.


  • Loureda, Ó., Cruz, A. and DPKog “Aproximación experimental sobre los costes de procesamiento de las partículas focales del español también e incluso”. In Calvi, M.V. & Briz, A. (Eds.), Cuadernos AISPI. Estudios de lenguas y literaturas ibéricas e iberoamericanas, AISPI (Associazione Ispanisti Italiani), Vol. 1, Nuevas tendencias en la lingüística del discurso, 384-409.


  • Recio Fernández, I. (2017). Reseña de Borreguero Zuloaga, M. & Gómez- Jordana Ferary, S. (Eds.) (2015), Les marqueurs du discours dans les langues romanes : une approche contrastive. Limoges: Lambert-Lucas, published in RILCE. Revista de Filología Hispánica 33/1, 386-392.
  • Recio Fernández, I. (2016). Reseña de López Ferrero, C. & Martín Peris, E. (2013), Textos y aprendizaje de lenguas. Elementos de lingüística textual para profesores de ELE, Madrid: SGEL, published in Journal of Spanish LanguageTeaching 3:1, Routledge, 81-83.



Since 10/2024
Representative for University of Heidelberg on the Advisory Board of the House of Innovation and Science São Paulo (DWIH- São Paulo)
Since 04/2021
Member of the Board of Directors of the Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies, University of Heidelberg
Since 11/2020
Member of the access committee of the international master's degree “Governance
of Risk and Resources” (M.Sc.) (University of Heidelberg, Universidad de Chile, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile).
Since 11/2020
Member of the admission committee of the international master's program “International Law - Investment, Trade and Arbitration” (LL.M.) (University of Heidelberg in cooperation with the Universidad de Chile).
Since 04/2020
Member of the Board of Directors of the Heidelberg Center Latin America, University of Heidelberg
Elected member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Modern Languages of the University of Heidelberg (representative of the academic staff).
Member of the bi-national study commission of the international double degree Master's program “Specialized Translation and Cultural Mediation” of the University of Heidelberg and the Universidad de Salamanca (Spain).


  1. Researcher in the “Communication and Cognition” research group, Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies (HCIAS), University of Heidelberg.
  2. Researcher at the interdisciplinary laboratory “Heidelberg Language and Cognition Lab” (HULC Lab, hulclab.eu), HCIAS / Institute for German as a Foreign Language, University of Heidelberg.
  3. Researcher of the international project “Los discursos públicos de la pandemia”, University of Heidelberg/Universidad de Buenos Aires/Universidad de Chile (2021-2023). Partially funded by the DAAD and the National Commission of Science and Technology of Argentina (CONICET).
  4. Researcher of the international project “Desarrollo de la Alfabetización Multimodal y Multimedia en la Educación Secundaria”, Universidad de Costa Rica, funded by the University Space for Advanced Studies (UCREA) of the Universidad de Costa Rica (2019/2020).
  5. Researcher of the international research project “Discourse, Cognition and Linguistic Marking: Empirical Eyetracking Studies on Text Processing”, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (Chile) / University of Heidelberg, funded by the Chilean research association CONICYT (Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica, PII 20150058; 2016-2019).
  6. Researcher of the international research project “Die Konstruktion des multimodalen Diskurses zur Armut in den kolumbianischen digitalen Medien, Semiotik und Kognition”, University of Heidelberg/Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogotá), funded by DAAD and the Colombian Agency for the Promotion of Research in Science, Technology and Innovation (COLCIENCIAS).


  • Sworn translator (German/Spanish)
  • Sworn translator (English/Spanish)
  • Accreditation as an examiner for the Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign
    Language, Instituto Cervantes (all language levels).