Executive Academic Director Dr. Inés Recio
Las Hortensias 2340
Providencia, Santiago
+56 222343466

10/2009-09/2011 | Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics for the Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language, Universidad Nebrija, Madrid |
10/2000-06/2004 | Bachelor’s Degree in Translation and Interpretation German-English-Japanese, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid |
Since 04/2020 | Heidelberg Center Latin America (HCLA), Santiago de Chile Academic Executive Director |
Since 08/2022 | Lecturer in Legal Translation ES > DE, M.A. Double Degree “Specialized Translation and Translation Technologies”, Facultad de Letras, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. |
2021 | Lecturer of the Doctoral Program in Linguistics, Institute of Literature and Linguistics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV) Course: Experimental Methodology for Discourse Analysis with Eye-Tracking |
10/2011-03/2020 | Institute of Translation and Interpreting, University of Heidelberg Personal académico / Docente |
11/2014-07/2015 | Institute for Romanic Philology, Universidad de Heidelberg Academic Staff / Lecturer |
10/2010-07/2011 | Institute of Translation and Interpreting, University of Heidelberg Associate Professor |
02/2010-08/2011 | Center for Higher Education - Language Center of the Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main 02/2010-08/2011 - Academic Staff / Lecturer 10/2008-01/2010 - Associate Professor |
Since 10/2008 | Instituto Cervantes, Frankfurt am Main Collaborating lecturer / Trainer of lecturers |
10/2007-12/2008 | Kaiser Stähler Rekrutierungsberatung GmbH, Königstein im Taunus Project Assistant / Translator |
08/2005-09/2007 | Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Germany, Frankfurt am Main Assistant to the Secretary General / Translator / Foreign Commerce Promotion |
- Winter School "Future Studies – Navigating Uncertainty," Vice-Rectorate for Research and Development, University of Chile, and National Council for Science, Technology, Knowledge, and Innovation for Development, August 19-21, 2024.
- Tools for Project Management Using Agile and Lean Methodologies, TELEDUC – Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, May 2024 (30 hours).
- Introduction to International Studies, Institute of International Studies (IEI), University of Chile, December 2023 (24 hours).
- Diploma in Negotiation - Mention in Advanced Strategic Negotiation and Leadership, Faculty of Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, May- August 2021 (100 hours), grade: 6.8/7.
- Extension course “Scientific Diplomacy”, Institute of International Studies, Universidad de Chile, November-December 2021.
- Loureda, Ó., Cruz, A., Recio, I. and Rudka, M. Comunicación, partículas discursivas y pragmática experimental. Madrid: Arco Libros.
- Recio Fernández, I. The Impact of Procedural Meaning on Second Language Processing: A Study on Connectives, tesis doctoral, University of Heidelberg,
- Loureda, Ó., Recio, I., Nadal, L. and Cruz, A. (Eds.) (2019). Empirical Studies of the Construction of Discourse, Pragmatics and Beyond New Series, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Recio Fernández, I. & Laura Nadal. "Las representaciones de la pobreza: argumentos y conectores en clave experimental", in Loureda, Ó. and N. Pardo(coords.), “Discourse, media and poverty in Latin America”; Seville: Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, pp. 115-128
- Recio Fernández, I., Ó. Loureda & A. Cruz. "Adjustment, mismatches and accommodation of procedural and conceptual meaning: Experimental evidence around connectives. Continuative and contrastive discourse relations across discourse domains: Cognitive and cross-linguistic approaches", On M. Klumm, A. Fetzer & E. Keizer (eds.), [Functions of Language 30:1], John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 110–135
- Loureda, Ó., Recio, I. and Sanders, T.J.M. “Estudios experimentales del discurso”. In C. López Ferrero, I.E. Carranza and T. van Dijk (dirs.), The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Discourse Studies, Routledge: New York/Oxon.
- Loureda, Ó., Recio Fernández, I., Cruz, A., Rudka, M. “Principles of Discourse Marking. General and contrastive perspectives”. In L. Degand and M.J. Cuenca, Discourse Markers in Interaction: From Production to Comprehension, Trends in Linguistics, De Gruyter.
- Loureda, Ó., Cruz, A., Recio, I. and Nadal, L. “La pragmática experimental”. In M.V. Escandell-Vidal, A. Ahern & J. Amenós (coords.), Pragmática. Madrid: Akal
- Cabedo Nebot, A. and Recio Fernández, I. “El hablar desde la lingüística empírica”. In Ó. Loureda & A. Schrott (dirs.), Manual de lingüística del hablar, Series: Manuals of Romance Linguistics, Berlin: de Gruyter.
- Loureda, Ó., Cruz, A., Recio, I. and Sánchez, J.F. “Los marcadores discursivos del español y la pragmática experimental: los conectores argumentativos y los reformuladores”. In R. González, I. Olza & Ó. Loureda (eds.), Lengua, cultura, discurso. Estudios ofrecidos al profesor Manuel Casado Velarde. Pamplona: EUNSA, 413-428.
- Loureda, Ó., Recio, I., Cruz, A., and Nadal, L. “Introduction”. In Ó. Loureda, I. Recio, L. Nadal & A. Cruz (eds.), Empirical Studies of the Construction of Discourse, Pragmatics and Beyond New Series, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1-13.
- Nadal, L. and Recio, I. “A Processing Study on Implicit and Explicit Causality in Spanish”. In Ó. Loureda, I. Recio, L. Nadal & A. Cruz (eds.), Empirical Studies of the Construction of Discourse, Pragmatics and Beyond New Series, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 253-270.
- Recio, I., Nadal, L. y Loureda, Ó. “On argumentative relations En Spanish: experimental evidence on the grammaticalization of cause-consequence discourse markers”. En S. Pons & Ó. Loureda (Eds.), Beyond Grammaticalization and Discourse Markers: New Issues En the Study of Language Change, Leiden: Brill, 384-409.
- Nadal, L., Recio, I., Rudka, M. and Loureda, Ó. “Processing Additivity In Spanish: 'incluso' vs. 'además'; In De Cesare, A. and Andorno, C.M. (Eds.), Focus on Additivity, Pragmatics and Beyond Series, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 137-154.
- Loureda, Ó., Nadal, L. and Recio, I. (2016). “Partículas discursivas y cognición: sin embargo y la conexión contraargumentativa”. In Sainz González, M.E., Solís García, I., del Barrio de la Rosa, F. and Arroyo Hernández, I., Geométrica explosión. Estudios de lengua y literatura En homenaje a René Lenarduzzi, Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica, 1, 175-186.
- Recio Fernández, I., Loureda, Ó and Sanders, T. “Constructing Discourse: An Experimental Approach”, Revista Signos. Estudios de Lingüística, 54(107), 1004-1025.
- Parodi, G., Julio, C. and Recio, I. “When words and graphs move the eyes: the processing of multimodal causal relations”, Journal of Eye Movement Research, 11(1):2, 1-18.
- Loureda, Ó., Nadal, L. and Recio, I. “Die Konnektoren des Spanischen: eine experimentelle Annäherung”, in Deutsche Sprache, 46. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 82-96.
- Nadal. L., Cruz, A., Recio, I. and Loureda, Ó. “El significado procedimental y las partículas discursivas del español: una aproximación experimental”, Revista Signos. Estudios de Lingüística, 49(1) 4-6, 52-77.
- Loureda, Ó., Nadal, L. and Recio, I. “Partículas discursivas y cognición: por tanto y la conexión argumentativa”, Romanistisches Jahrbuch, Vol. 67, 1, de Gruyter Mouton, 240-254.
- Loureda, Ó., Cruz, A., Recio, I. and Villalba, C. “Incluso En posición pre- y postfocal: un análisis experimental de los costes de procesamiento de escalas pragmáticas”, Revista de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística (RSEL) 44/2, 95-129.
- Loureda, Ó., Cruz, A., Rudka, M., Nadal, L., Recio, I. and Borreguero, M. "Focus Particles In Information Processing: An Experimental Study on Pragmatic Scales with Spanish 'incluso'”. In De Cesare, A.M. & Andorno, C. (Eds.), Focus Particles in the Romance and Germanic Languages Corpus- based and Experimental Approaches, Linguistik online 71, 2/15.
- Loureda, Ó., Cruz, A. and DPKog “Aproximación experimental sobre los costes de procesamiento de las partículas focales del español también e incluso”. In Calvi, M.V. & Briz, A. (Eds.), Cuadernos AISPI. Estudios de lenguas y literaturas ibéricas e iberoamericanas, AISPI (Associazione Ispanisti Italiani), Vol. 1, Nuevas tendencias en la lingüística del discurso, 384-409.
- Recio Fernández, I. (2017). Reseña de Borreguero Zuloaga, M. & Gómez- Jordana Ferary, S. (Eds.) (2015), Les marqueurs du discours dans les langues romanes : une approche contrastive. Limoges: Lambert-Lucas, published in RILCE. Revista de Filología Hispánica 33/1, 386-392.
- Recio Fernández, I. (2016). Reseña de López Ferrero, C. & Martín Peris, E. (2013), Textos y aprendizaje de lenguas. Elementos de lingüística textual para profesores de ELE, Madrid: SGEL, published in Journal of Spanish LanguageTeaching 3:1, Routledge, 81-83.
Since 10/2024 | Representative for University of Heidelberg on the Advisory Board of the House of Innovation and Science São Paulo (DWIH- São Paulo) |
Since 04/2021 | Member of the Board of Directors of the Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies, University of Heidelberg |
Since 11/2020 | Member of the access committee of the international master's degree “Governance of Risk and Resources” (M.Sc.) (University of Heidelberg, Universidad de Chile, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile). |
Since 11/2020 | Member of the admission committee of the international master's program “International Law - Investment, Trade and Arbitration” (LL.M.) (University of Heidelberg in cooperation with the Universidad de Chile). |
Since 04/2020 | Member of the Board of Directors of the Heidelberg Center Latin America, University of Heidelberg |
10/2019-03/2020 | Elected member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Modern Languages of the University of Heidelberg (representative of the academic staff). |
03-2018/03-2020 | Member of the bi-national study commission of the international double degree Master's program “Specialized Translation and Cultural Mediation” of the University of Heidelberg and the Universidad de Salamanca (Spain). |
- Researcher in the “Communication and Cognition” research group, Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies (HCIAS), University of Heidelberg.
- Researcher at the interdisciplinary laboratory “Heidelberg Language and Cognition Lab” (HULC Lab, hulclab.eu), HCIAS / Institute for German as a Foreign Language, University of Heidelberg.
- Researcher of the international project “Los discursos públicos de la pandemia”, University of Heidelberg/Universidad de Buenos Aires/Universidad de Chile (2021-2023). Partially funded by the DAAD and the National Commission of Science and Technology of Argentina (CONICET).
- Researcher of the international project “Desarrollo de la Alfabetización Multimodal y Multimedia en la Educación Secundaria”, Universidad de Costa Rica, funded by the University Space for Advanced Studies (UCREA) of the Universidad de Costa Rica (2019/2020).
- Researcher of the international research project “Discourse, Cognition and Linguistic Marking: Empirical Eyetracking Studies on Text Processing”, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (Chile) / University of Heidelberg, funded by the Chilean research association CONICYT (Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica, PII 20150058; 2016-2019).
- Researcher of the international research project “Die Konstruktion des multimodalen Diskurses zur Armut in den kolumbianischen digitalen Medien, Semiotik und Kognition”, University of Heidelberg/Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogotá), funded by DAAD and the Colombian Agency for the Promotion of Research in Science, Technology and Innovation (COLCIENCIAS).
- Sworn translator (German/Spanish)
- Sworn translator (English/Spanish)
- Accreditation as an examiner for the Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign
Language, Instituto Cervantes (all language levels).