Investment and Trade Master of Laws in International Law
The Master’s Program in International Law, with special reference to Investments, Trade and Arbitration, is open to lawyers and graduates of juridical sciences worldwide.
Accredited by the National Accreditation Commission (CNA-Chile) until 2030, and in Germany until 2027.
After successful completion of the integrated one-month stay in Heidelberg and all other program requirements, the title of Master of Laws in International Law is awarded by Heidelberg University. The University of Chile awards the title Magíster en Derecho Internacional - Inversiones y Comercio. Each institution delivers the title according to its internal regulations. Participants obtaining the Master´s Degree in International Law can qualify to pursue doctoral studies at Heidelberg University.
- First application deadline, 4th of November, 2024. *If documents are submitted before that date, application fee is free.
- Second application deadline: 17th of January 2025
- Clases start on 8th of Abril, 2025
- Schedule: Tuesdays to Thursdays from 18:30 - 21.00 hours. Ocasionally on Mondays, from 18:30 - 21:00 hours.
- The program ends on the 31sr of March, 2026, in Heidelberg, Germany.
- German classes are provided without additional cost.
- English classes might be available at a reduced fee (returned to the student once its enrollment at the university is completed)
Contact and applications:
Operative Coordinator
LL.M. María Gabriela de Abreu

Structure and Organization
The program is offered on a yearly basis and is divided into 7 modules. The first five modules take place in Santiago de Chile, at the Heidelberg Center Latin America. The curriculum includes a three-month period (module 6) for the preparation of the master’s thesis. A final one-month stay takes place in Heidelberg at the Faculty of Law and the Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law. During this time, students attend courses, complete their theses and take their final oral examinations. Exceptionally, the defense of the master’s thesis may be held in Santiago de Chile.
The LL.M. program follows a modular structure. Courses are conducted either in Spanish or in English, and are taught in presence. In exceptional circumstances, the program can be offered totally or partially online. Participants can also take courses on German as a foreign language free of charge at the HCLA.
The Program aims mainly at offering a comprehensive analysis of current and prospective trends in the fields of international law in an era of globalization, international trade and investments and in the methods for arbitration and dispute settlement in these areas.
The program deals with the impact of globalization on the sources and subjects of international law, with recent developments in international economic law and the protection of the environment and State responsibility, as well as with relevant challenges faced by the international society over the last few years. The focus lies on most current topics related to the regulation of international trade, particularly the law of international trade, investments and dispute settlement. In this context, special attention is paid to international arbitration, procedures before the World Trade Organization and the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).
Graduate Profile
The LL.M. provides conceptual and practical tools to strengthen the professional skills of graduates, which qualify for positions in international organizations, governmental agencies in international economics trade and foreign investment, legal advice in the negotiation and implementation of international agreements, as well as in the field of external relations. Graduates are also trained to perform advisory activities on international investment, both in the private sector or in NGOs, as well as to perform international litigation and arbitration.
Learn about the prestigious Heidelberg University, the oldest university in Germany, and about the HCLA, its cooperations in Chile and Latin America and the LL.M. program in International Law. Students and professors comment on their experiences and the singularities of this high-level international program.
The program has two prestigious scholarship systems:
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): monthly allowance, allowance towards the tuition free, travel allowance, and partial expenses for the stay in Heidelberg.
HCLA-Scholarships: tuition fee discounts for qualified cases
The DAAD, German Academic Exchange Service main function is to promote cooperation between German and international universities and research centers in different fields of study, teaching, research and outreach. Each year, the DAAD awards grants for transnational training programs (Translationale Bildung, TNB), through which the winning institutions (German universities) receive funds exclusively for scholarships for foreign students of academic excellence. Since 2008, our Master's program has received these funds. With the help of a bi-national commission with authorities from both universities, institutions involved and the DAAD law assistant, a selection of students who will be recipients of these scholarships for the corresponding year is made. The scholarship includes the payment of a percentage of the annual tuition fee, an amount for living expenses and a travel scholarship to Germany which includes a fixed co-payment for the airfare for the academic period in Heidelberg.
- Participants can also apply autonomously to other external funding programs or scholarships.
For more information please contact:
Academic Coordinator of LL.M Program
Dr. Andrea Lucas Garín
Operative Coordinator
LL.M. María Gabriela de Abreu
Stay in Heidelberg
The program includes a final stay in Heidelberg in the month of March. During this period, students attend two compulsory courses at the Faculty of Law of Heidelberg University and at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, conclude their master’s thesis and their final oral examinations. The Faculty of Law of the Heidelberg University organizes guided tours and networking activities for the students.
The stay in Heidelberg opens us up to the world, because it gives us a closer approach to professors and the academic world in Europe.
Prof. Mariana Durnay, LL.M. graduate and lecturer in the program
The period in Heidelberg is extremely exciting. Students have the opportunity to be at the Max Planck and Heidelberg University’s Law School studying international law in a multicultural city with students from all over the world.
Maria Gabriela De Abreu. LL.M. graduate 2017-2018